Best Gym home accessories you should buy to practice at home

Are you doing gym at home? Workout at home has become an inevitable trend in such unstable epidemic situation as today. However, how to choose gym equipment to ensure your workout effectively is not easy.

Why you should workout at home?

1. Avoid Covid-19 infection

According to CDC - Centers for Disease Control andPrevention, the gym is a place where Covid-19 is at risk of medium level. This is where people breathe heavily, making the virus more contagious. Crowds of people in an enclosed space increase the risk of infection.

Therefore, in countries with complicated epidemics such as Western countries, going to the gym will be a huge risk. Healthy exercise is good, but if there is a risk of infection, it's not worth it.

If you are a gym fanatic, choose for yourself the safest option, which is to exercise at home.

2. Save time and money

Definitely going to the gym will be much more professional than doing it at home. However, for office workers or those who come home late from work, they won't have time to go to the gym (like me, for example). Choosing the gym at home will be the most optimal choice.

Moreover, the gym at home will also save you a monthly cost, you just need to invest in training equipment at the beginning.

3. Master your workout space

At some gyms, there are a lot of people exercising that greatly affect the quality of your workout. Would you like to wait for a treadmill for your session? Moverover, many people come to the gym spend most of their time chatting, laughing, affecting others around.

Exercising at home will help you avoid these problems.

What you need to prepare for workout at home?

First you need a space that is large enough to accommodate the exercise equipment, of course!

An empty space of about 6 square meters or more is more than enough for comfortable physical activity and exercise freedom.

Currently there are many types of tools and exercise machines for home gyms. You can refer to the following types of tools that VIC recommends:

1. Kettlebells

Kettlebells at home
Kettlebells at home

Kettlebell is a very durable and compact weight. It is like a portable gym because of its mobility and versatility, and you can do a lot of kettlebell related exercises.

Nowadays, kettlebell is widely used in professional competitions and gyms. It exercises muscle strength and breathing rate. Especially for those who are looking towards full body exercises to lose weight, this is a reasonable choice.

Finding kettlebell is also very easy because it is sold a lot on e-commerce sites. You just need to choose the weight and materials that are right for you.

2. Dumbbells

dumbbells home gym
Dumbbells home gym

Dumbbells are the most popular workout equipment for the gym because of its compactness and versability.

Dumbbells primarily cater to people who want to build bulking muscle. With just 1 pair of dumbbells, wherever you are, you can fully exercise the muscle groups on the body.

Of course, you have to prepare many different weights for effective training.

An optimal choice is to use the Adjustable dumbbells, which are customizable weights, which saves more space than buying multiple weights separately.

3. Slam ball

slam ball home gym
Slam ball home gym

Slam ball is a rubber coated weight ball, used to practice many different types of exercises.

Slam ball does not bounce when hitting the floor, so it helps to protect the gym safety.

Slam balls are very popular with athletes worldwide because they are both simple to exercise and can significantly improve your muscle mass. Depending on what exercise you do, a slam ball works on shoulders, triceps, pecs, calves, back and abdominals.

You can also use slam balls as a substitute for dumbbells in certain exercises or incorporate into cardio exercises for increased intensity.

4. Medicine ball

Medicine home gym
Medicine at home

Unlike the slam ball, medicine ball comes from the medicinal purpose used to restore function or cure.

In bodybuilding, medicine ball helps to exercise arm muscles, improve endurance, improve balance for the body.

The medicine ball features a small size, the softer outer rubber layer and is not designed to be thrown like a slam ball.

Medicine ball is aimed at people who want to train muscle endurance, recover muscle due to injury, or those who want to lose weight, who are practicing yoga.

5. Pushup bar

Push up bar gym at home
Push up bar gym at home

A pushup bar, or pushup grip, is a very effective pushup aid. With conventional manual push-ups, your chest won't fall lower than your arms. But with the push up bar, your chest will go deeper, allowing your chest muscles to stretch as much as possible.

This is an almost indispensable tool for home bodybuilders because push-ups are extremely effective chest muscle exercises without using the flat bench.

6. Ab wheel

Ab roller gym at home
Ab roller gym at home

The Ab wheel is a tool that helps you practice mid-section such as the abdomen, hips, lower back, and intercostal muscles.

If you want to cut belly fat but don't have an abs or crunches machine, then the Ab wheel is a good choice.

With the advantages of compactness and cheap price, Ab wheel can help you regain a slim body shape. You should combine with crunches and sit-ups to get the best results.

Note that you should maintain a moderate amount of exercise to avoid excessive pressure on your lower back.

7. Pull up bar

Pull up bar gym at home
Pull up bar gym at home

Pullup bars are tools that support upper body exercises such as lat, shoulders, chest, and abdomen.

With the pullup bar, there are two extremely important exercises you can practice: Hanging leg raises and pull ups.

Pull up is a strong impact on the lat based on your body weight, while hanging leg raises help you have a strong 6-pack abs.

In addition, exercise on pullup bar also helps you increase strength for your spine and prevent bone and joint diseases.

Pullup bars are more complicated than other tools in that you have to mount them on a wall or door depending on the design and type. Its advantage is that it does not take up floor space.

8. Jump rope

Jump rope gym at home
Jump rope gym at home

For those who want to lose weight, cardio exercises cannot be skipped. And jumping rope is one of the high impact cardio exercises, which improves the cardiovascular system as well as burns fat extremely effectively.

Skipping is also an effective warm-up exercise before entering the training session.

Cheap price plus compact, do not hesitate to invest in a jump rope if you want to exercise at home.

9. Resistance Bands

Resistance Bands home gym accessories
Resistance Bands home gym accessories

Resistance Bands is the most convenient training tool due to its mobility and extremely compact size. If you are traveling for business or in a place where there is no exercise equipment, Resistance Bands will be a great choice for you.

The exercises with the Resistance Bands are also quite varied but extremely simple. Resistance Bands help you train muscle endurance and improve fitness.

Working out with Resistance Bands puts your muscles in orbit better than doing free weights (exercises that are not affected by the machine).

10. Yoga mat

Yoga mat at home
Yoga mat at home

Yoga Mat is an indispensable carpet when doing yoga. As a gymnast, do you realize how much you need this rug?

Imagine doing a plank without a carpet, how much pain your hand would hurt!

There are many other movements that require knee or elbow contact with the floor, if you don't have a carpet, you can easily injure.

11. Resistance exercise tube set

Exercise tube set workout at home
Exercise tube set workout at home

Exercise tube set is probably the most versatile set of exercise bands out there because it can do almost all the exercises that you can do in the gym.

Resistance tube band has 5 ropes with 5 different colors made of high grade PVE plastic. The resistance index is as follows:

  • Black rope: 14kg
  • Green rope: 12kg
  • Blue rope: 9kg
  • Red rope: 7kg
  • Yellow rope: 5kg

You can customize the number of strings to adjust the volume of the traction.

Please note that you should research the exercises thoroughly with Resistance tube band before training to avoid unwanted injuries.

Resistance tube is also not suitable for people with osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure.


Above are 11 gym equipments that you should buy for your home gym. Turn your room into a professional fitness center, where you can fully exercise in the gym.

In addition to the above equipment, if your home is more spacious, buy yourself a multiple function weight lifting gym bench so that you can fully workout like in the gym.


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