Exercise for Obese people: Way to burn fat

How to lose weight quickly but effectively? That is the top concern of overweight people. Trying to lose weight for them seems like an extremely difficult challenge. To effectively burn fat, you need to understand your body and have a specific plan. In this article, VIC will help you do just that.

Around the world, the number of people who are overweight has surpassed skinny people. At the present time, the number of people overweight globally accounts for nearly 30%, about 2.1 billion people. Obese people have a lot of health problems, and it seems like losing weight is extremely difficult.

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If you are overweight and are trying to both fast and exercise but still cannot lose weight, then you are probably belong to endomorph type.

Person who belongs to endomorph type features:

  • The body has a lot of fat
  • Large shoulders, broad hips
  • Wide skeleton
  • The metabolic rate is slow
  • Fat gain faster than muscle gain

Most people will be a hybrid of endomorph and mesomorph, or ectomorph and mesomorph, so just following the Endo or Ecto diet and exercise method will be effective.

Why are Endomorph obese people hard to lose weight?

Endomorphs have a slow nutrient metabolism, their bodies easily convert excess calories into fat, especially with foods high in carbs and insulin.

Furthermore, when the stored fat is high, it releases estrogen and decreases testosterone levels, which hinder muscle growth.

Trying to exercise seems to be quite arduous for Endo people. While bulking muscle requires a lot of food, but if you eat a lot, the body converts nutrients into more fat than lean. Similar to cutting muscle, the amount of fat you lose is less than the amount of lean.

How to burn fat and lose weight for Endomorph obese people?

First, must shape your weight loss goals must be fat loss and muscle gain.

If you only lose fat without gaining muscle, your body will not be toned. If you only gain muscle without losing fat, you will never lose weight. An oversized body with a thick amount of fat and muscle will lose all aesthetics.

Therefore, the best way to lose weight is to combine lean muscle bulking and fat cutting.

Combining the right diet and practicing a scientific way will help you achieve the results you want.

Nutrition will not be mentioned in this article, please refer to another VIC article.

Here, VIC will show you a smart and scientific workout regimen exclusively for Endomorph fat people, helping to build lean muscle and burn fat.

Endomorph's exercises are quite similar to those of the Ecto or meso, just that they have to alternate cardio exercises into their training schedule to promote fat burning process.

Schedule exercise to burn fat and gain muscle for Endomorph people

Endo people should combine cardio and weight lifting to boost metabolism and burn more calories.

Cardio is extremely difficult for endomorphs because it uses almost all body movement. If you are new to high intensity training, start slowly, avoiding overtraining in the first session, leading to rapid frustration and also at risk of injury.

The bulking or cutting process also follows the same principle for all types of people.

During the bulking muscle, a rule that applies to all types of people is to push yourself to the limit of your body.

What is pushing the body to the limit?

The answer is: as your body gets used to the current weight, you should add more weights to continue to stimulate your muscles so your body can continue to adapt to that new weight. If you keep the same weight without gradually lifting it, you will not build more muscle, only increase endurance, or even increase the body fat.

Adding weights will reduce the number of reps you train, but your body will reach the limit. Use the heaviest weight for each set.

Exercise schedule to gain muscle and lose fat #1

This workout schedule combines compound exercises for bulking muscle, and alternates on 2 days of cardio to burn more fat. This workout schedule is very suitable for those who do not have too much fat and want to both lose fat and build lean muscle.

All you need to do is register with a gym or buy yourself a set of tools to work out at home (dumbbells or kettlebells are the good choice for you to practice at home).

The training schedule is as follows:

Day 1: Chest and triceps

1. Flat barbell bench press

  •  5-6 sets
  • 12-20 rep
  • Take break for 30-60s
2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

  • 5-6 sets
  • 12-20 rep
  • Take break for 30-60s
3. Dumbbell flys

  • 5-6 sets
  • 12-20 rep
  • Take break for 30-60s
4. Cable crossover

  • 5-6 sets
  • 12-20 rep
  • Take break for 30-60s
5. Pushup

  • 5-6 sets
  • 12-20 rep
  • Take break for 30-60s
6. Dips

  • 5-6 sets
  • 12-20 rep
  • Take break for 30-60s
7. Lying tricep extension

  • 5-6 sets
  • 12-20 rep
  • Take break for 30-60s
Day 2: back and biceps
  1. Pull-ups

  2. Deadlift

  3. Barbell Bent Over Rows

  4. Lat pulldown

  5. Seated cable row

  6. EZ Bar Biceps Curls (wide/close grips)

  7. Dumbbell hammber curls

Day 3: Cardio
  1. Running

  2. Swimming

  3. Step Mill

Day 4: Shoulder/thigh/belly muscle
  1. Standing shoulder military press

  2. Dumbbell lateral raises

  3. Calf raises on leg press

  4. Leg raise

  5. Planks

Day 5: Leg mucle
  1. Leg extensions

  2. Hamstring curls

  3. Single leg presses

  4. Glute bridges
Day 6: cardio
  1. Skipping

  2. Cycling

  3. Elliptical

Day 7: off

Exercise schedule to gain muscle and lose fat #2

Exercise # 2 is a very scientific strategy. The strategy of this workout schedule is to cut off excess fat at the beginning, then start building lean muscle. It sounds simple, but cutting fat is always the most frustrating stage, requiring you to have a high will (something most people don't have).

The steps are as follows:

First, think that you need to burn fat with whole body exercises. Start with low-impact exercises.

Remember that "low impact" is different from "low-intensity." A low impact exercise means a low hit the floor when performing a certain movement. And low intensity exercise means that the difficulty of the exercise is low, heart rate and breathing is not strong.

Of course, high-impact exercise will help you burn calories faster, but can be more frustrating quickly. So you can choose a low-impact but still high-intensity exercise for the same calorie-burning effect.

Low impact Exercises:

  • Cycling
  • Mountain biking
  • Race walking
  • Swimming
  • Elip machine (running machine/cycling machine)
  • Ski machine
  • Stair climber
  • Rowing

Once you get used to with low impact exercise, progress to high impact movements. 

  • Running
  • Skipping
  • Plyometrics
  • Crossfit exercises
  • P90X

These exercises are very tiring, make the heart beat and breathe faster, but the efficiency level of calorie burning is very high, further improving your heart health.

Choose the exercises that are right for you and do it regularly 4-5 days / week, depending on your condition and strength. Remember to take a variety of exercises so you don't get bored. If the results are not what you expected, increase the number of sessions.

Please note that yoga, tai chi, and pilates exercises are not cardio exercises. The fat-burning effects of these exercises are not as good as high or low impact exercises.

Keep track of your weight once a week or once a month. You do not need to watch too much because it will affect psychology.

After a period of cardio training to burn fat and lose a certain weight (2-3 months), your body is now getting used to the intensity of the exercise, the next thing to do is bulking lean muscle.

Since you've already consumed a lot of body fat, you need to quickly switch to combining bulking exercises and cut back on cardio schedule.

At this point, a training schedule similar to the # 1 is very reasonable. The principle of bulking remains the same, choosing a heavy weight so that the maximum number of reps to reach the limit of your body.

Combine it with 2 days of cardio to ensure the fat burning is still going on because your body has not yet gotten rid of the endomorph that stores more fat than the average person.


Losing weight is never easy, if you don't have the determination and specific goals, the success rate is very low.

The depression caused by exercise fatigue or the cravings of diet during exercise has knocked out the will of many people. Are you one of them?

Think that you absolutely can do it, because many people have done it before you and now they have completely transformed and have a desirable body. Read and learn about those people to get motivated to practice.


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