Most scientific gym schedule to gain weight and gain muscle for skinny guys

how to get weight

Today VIC will introduce to you an extremely effective gym schedule for skinny people who want to gain weight and muscle. This workout schedule has been thoroughly scientifically researched and advised by fitness experts.

Firstly, let's find out which type you belong to and why you can't gain weight.

The human body is divided into 3 types:

  • Ectomorph Type: Skinny people who are difficult to gain weight
  • Mesomorph Type: Natural muscular people
  • Endomorph Type: Fat people who are difficult to lose weight

In this article, VIC will only discuss over the Ecomorph people. This is the body type of most skinny people in the world.

Ectomorph type features: 

  • Slim body, small skeleton.
  • The body has difficulty gaining weight despite eating a lot.
  • Long limbs.
  • Short shoulders, thin chest, small buttocks, small bones and joints.
  • Low fat rate, fast metabolic rate.

If you are not an Ectomorph but still skinny, you should rest assured because you only need to eat more to improve your weight condition quickly.

If you are unfortunate to be this type of person, don't be pessimistic, as so many people have come out of the Ectomorph type and become Mesomorph after a few months to a year with proper diets and exercise methods.

3 types of human body

What causes Ecto skinny people difficult to gain weight?

Let's analyze the reasons why it is difficult for skinny people to gain weight.

Ectomorph lean people eat a lot but not fat, because their metabolism is very fast.

When you try to eat a lot in one meal, your stomach is under great pressure, which can lead to stomach pain. Furthermore, due to its fast metabolic rate, the amount of food you absorb will always be digested quickly.

According to nutrition experts, to gain weight, a person's body needs to consume more calories than the daily caloric intake. Whereas in skinny people, the calories are consumed very quickly, if you don't get enough calories, your body will never get fat. This is the opposite of fat people.

But the irony is that, the more a skinny person eats, the more their body will metabolize and dissipate the nutrients. So how to gain weight?

How can Ectomorph skinny people gain weight?

The Ectomorph-type human body is always like a furnace burning calories, even when you're not working a lot.

Therefore, leading experts advise that: divide meals into several meals a day (6-8 meals / day) and do exercise.

The average human body needs only 3 meals a day, but for ectomorph people, they quickly starve because the amount of nutrients absorbed has been metabolized before the next meal.

As your metabolism is going on, your body is absorbing nutrients and gaining weight. However, for people with Ectomorph this process occurs more quickly than usual requiring more meals per day than normal people.

However, when you eat more then your body will store more fat, if you do not exercise, your body will become fat and not sporty. The most suitable method of exercise is heavy weight training.

How ectomorph get weight

The effects of sleep and psychology also affect weight a lot. For Ectomorphic people, you need to get enough sleep to ensure weight gain.

Thus, to answer the question: "How to gain weight for skinny people", the answer is: "let's split the meal into 6-8 meals / day with a nutritious diet. At the same time, go to the gym and take enough sleep.

The next question is, what is a gym schedule that is suitable for the Ectomorph? Let's find out the following content with VIC:

Fitness schedule for Ecto skinny people to gain weight

People with the Ectomorph type need a different approach to exercise.

According to the advice of fitness coaches, skinny people need to practice as follows:

- Weight training in a short time: to help the digestive system stimulate, you will eat more delicious, absorb more protein, the muscles will grow bigger.

- Do not exercise Cardio: Cardio exercise will cause the body to burn more calories and lose fat, so it is not suitable for people who want to gain weight. 

- Exercising large muscle groups: helps the body secrete more testosterone and build more muscle.

Regarding the training schedule, you can choose from 3 or 4 sessions depending on your time and strength.

How to choose the right weight for weight training is also very important, readers can refer suggestion to choose weight for exercise here:

Skinny people to gain weight need to increase muscle, which men's muscles are built on testosterone. In order for the body to produce more testosterones, it is necessary to stimulate the muscles by doing compound exercises, combining large muscle groups to put pressure on the muscles.

Day 1: Chest, shoulders, and triceps:

1. Barbell bench press

Barbell bench pressBarbell bench press to gain weight

  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break

2. Incline barbell bench press

Incline barbell bench press to gain weightIncline barbell bench press for skinny guy
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
3. Shoulder press/dumbbell shoulder press

Dumbbell shoulder press to gain weightDumbbell shoulder press for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
4. Dips

Dips to gain weightDips for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break

Day 2: Off

Day 3: Leg, Belly

1. Barbell squat

Barbell squat to gain weightBarbell squat for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 25 rep/set
  • Take 2 minutes break
2. Leg press

Leg press to gain weightLeg press for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 25 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
3. Hamstring curl

Hamstring curl to gain weightHamstring curl for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
4. Hanging leg raises

Hanging leg raise to gain weightHanging leg raise for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break

Day 4: Off

Day 5: Back, Biceps

1. Lat pulldown

Lat pulldown to gain weightLat pulldown for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
2. Deadlift

Deadlift for skinny guysDeadlift to gain weight
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
3. Bent over barbell row

Barbell bench over row to gain weightBarbell bench over row for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
4. Bench over dumbbell row

Bench over dumbbell row to gain weightBench over dumbbell row for skinny guys
  • 3 sets
  • 6-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break

Day 6 + Day 7: Off

Weight gaining schedule for skinny people: 4 days / week

This schedule consists of 4-days exercise. You will have 1 day off after first 2 exercise days and 2 days off after following 2 exercise days.

Day 1: Chest, Triceps

1. Barbell bench press

Barbell bench press gain weightBarbell bench press for skinny guys

  • 4 set
  • 6-8 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break 
2: Dumbbell incline bench press

dumbbell incline bench pressdumbbell incline bench press
  • 4 set
  • 6-8 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
3: Dumbbell flys on a flat bench
dumbbell flys on a flat bench gain weightdumbbell flys on a flat bench for thin guys

  • 3 set
  • 10 rep
  • Take 1 minute break
4. Close grip barbell bench press

close grip barbell bench pressclose grip barbell bench press skinny guys
  • 4 set
  • 6-8 rep
  • Take 1 minute break
5. Barbell triceps/dumbbell overhead triceps

  • 2 set
  • 8-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
6. Dips

Dips to gain weightDips for skinny guys
  • 2 set
  • 8-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break

Day 2: Back, biceps

1. Dumbbell penlay row

  • 4 set
  • 6-8 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
2. Pull up

  • 4 set
  • Do as much as you can
  • Take 2 minutes
3. Seated cable row

  • 3 set
  • 8-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
4. Barbell bicep curl

  • 4 set
  • 6-8 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break
5. Alternative dumbbell curl

  • 2 set
  • 8-10 rep/set
  • Take 1 minute break

Day 3: Off

Day 4: Thigh

1. Barbell squat

  • 4 set
  • 8-10 rep
  • Take 1 minute break
2. Leverage leg press

  • 3 set
  • 8-10 rep
  • Take 1 minute break
3. Squat machine

  • 3 set
  • 8-10 rep
  • Take 1 minute break
4. Deadlift

  • 3 set
  • 6-8 rep
  • Take 1 minute break
5. Lying leg curl

  • 3 set
  • 8-10 rep
  • Take 1 minute break

Day 5: Shoulder, calf

1. Dumbbell shoulder press
Dumbbell shoulder press to gain weightDumbbell shoulder press for skinny guys
    • 3 set
    • 6-8rep
    • Take 1 minute break
    2. Barbell shoulder press

    • 4 set
    • 8-10 rep
    • Take 1 minute break
    3. Dumbbell lateral raise

    • 3 set
    • 10-12 rep
    • Take 1 minute break
    4. Shoulder shrugs

    • 4 set
    • 8-10 rep
    • Take 1 minute break
    5. Smith calf raise

    • 3 set
    • 12-15p
    • Take 1 minute break
    6. Seated calf raise

    • 3 set
    • 6-8 rep
    • Take 1 minute break

    Day 6 + Day 7: Off

    Such a high intensity training session will last about 30-45 minutes. You may feel very tired at the beginning, but after 1-2 weeks your body will adapt.

    Increase your weight gradually as you get used to it, and ensure to maximum number of reps in each session.


    If you are an Ectomorph skinny person, set a clear weight gaining plan. Depending on the time and your strength to choose a suitable exercise schedule work on your body.

    If you don't have time to go to the gym, just buy a pair of dumbbell to start. Nowaday there are many metal foundry that can dumbbells wholesale with many designs and reasonable price.

    Remember, exercise and rest must always go together. Always keep yourself in a good mood, get enough sleep every day. Do not stay up late and especially do not use stimulants. Practice hard for 3-6 months, you will see noticeable results.


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