
Showing posts from October, 2020

Impressive and unique Halloween party decoration ideas: Everything from A to Z

Halloween is a spooky and horror festival that many young people love. This festival is the perfect combination from small details such as makeup, costume choices to the Halloween party space. To impress and attract all eyes from the party, you need to know how to decorate and choose the main colors of the festival. This article will introduce you to the impressive and unique Halloween party decoration ideas. Scroll down and get idea for your weekend. Meaning of Halloween celebration Halloween is the abbreviation of the phrase All Hallows' Eve (meaning the eve of the feast day of all saints). Halloween is a holiday originating from European countries then spreading to many countries around the world. Halloween is held on October 31 every year and Halloween  2020 will occur on Saturday, October 31. Happy Halloween According to the Celtic view at this point the souls of the dead in the previous year would find and merge with another body to start a new life. On this day, the living w

Top 7 bridges decorated with the most beautiful Lamppost on the planet

You know, there are bridges in the world that have been around for hundreds of years and become symbols of where it is located. Many bridges are also witnesses of history, not only across the river but also a bridge between the past and the present. The beauty of these bridges not only comes from the stories that are told behind them, but also by the unique architecture, the beauties that have persisted over the centuries. The architects who designed these bridges could not forget one thing, which is the Lamppost. Lamppost has lit up the light of hope to prove that despite the ups and downs of history, these bridges still rise to this day and become an interesting tourist destination for the whole world. In this article, VIC will join the readers to explore the bridges known as “the most beautiful on the planet” and decorated with lampposts that are symbols of light and historic architecture. See popular lamp post made by VIC: 1.

Top 10 most beautiful roads in the world that have lampposts

Explore the world's most beautiful roads. There are ways to keep moments, memories that once you have stepped foot in, you will remember through a lifetime. In this article, VIC would like to introduce to readers the Top 10 most beautiful roads in the world. If you are a tourist lover or want to experience unforgettable emotions, you should definitely not ignore this post. Walking on these romantic streets, you will feel like you are fall in love again by the charms of history and stunning landscapes that you have definitely never met. Join VIC for a list of the most beautiful and worthwhile roads in the world to see what reason have sparked the flame of love with tourists around the world. Refer to some beautiful lamppost models produced and distributed by VIC: Top 10 most beautiful roads in the world will make you wonder 1.  Little Walkway at Buenos Aires, Argentina Litter walkway in Caminato, Buenos Aires, Argentina Camin