3 Things People Often Misconcept About Kettlebell

Provided an appropriate weight that you can press, swing, or vary your workout routine in different ways, kettlebells have become one of the staples of the fitness industry and have won the heart s of many gym-lovers and professionals. Unfortunately, people harbor many misconceptions about this incredibly versatile equipment that they have become the most misunderstood fitness tool of all time . Here are a few points that may help clear up certain some myths and misconceptions that definitely helps better your understanding of this cool bell. 1. You can’t get stronger and improve your power by lifting kettlebells. The first critique directed at the kettlebell is that it is inefficient for developing muscle and physical strength. If you hear someone say that, tell them that it is not true. Gym expert Madhuri Ruia once said: " A kettlebell definitely helps you gain strength; it also prepares you for an unpredictable movement using the core. T...